Partner Universities
The nine partners of the EU GREEN Alliance are strategically aligned for the engagement
with all European regions, while globally focused on our communities.
EU GREEN Alliance believes in the development of the empowerment, capabilities, opportunities
and cooperation of the society for a better and more viable environment in the long run.
EU GREEN is “built around a holistic perspective of sustainability, encompassing the economic,
societal and environmental dimensions of the term and their impact on one another”.
We are
- University of Gävle (Sweden)
- Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences (Poland)
- Universitá di Parma (Italy)
- Université D’Angers (France)
- Universidade de Évora (Portugal)
- Otto von Guericke Universität Magdeburg (Germany)
- Atlantic Technological Universtity (Irland)
- Universitatea Din Oradea (Romania)
- Universidad de Extremadura (Spain)